Luis Blanche


This is my Data Scientist / Machine Learning Portfolio

View the Project on GitHub LuisBlanche/portfolio

Public sector: scraping of thousands of public documents and training of a Named Entity Recognition Model


Government-accorded loans issued to social housing projects by municipalities are subject to mandatory publication in reports made available on the respective local government websites. The purpose of this initiative was to compile data pertaining to housing loans across different regions by scraping relevant details from online resources to construct a comprehensive repository of lending statistics for analysis and future decision-making considerations regarding improvements in the loan market for housing.


To gather information, we began by leveraging the Google Search API to uncover potentially relevant municipalities and the websites associated with them. Subsequently, we manually reviewed our compiled list before commencing extensive website crawling, combing them for any conceivably pertinent documentation. These retrieved files were subsequently parsed programmatically, culminating in a structured archive. Throughout this process, we employed cloud-based solutions to facilitate the annotation task on a distributed scale. Our efforts ultimately led us to train powerful machine learning models capable of automatically mining essential insights. Ultimately, these automated tools enabled us to rapidly collect vast amounts of data without sacrificing accuracy. In doing so, we have established a robust system ready for deployment at minimal cost while providing easy accessibility to users. docanno annotation


My involvment

As a technical consultant overseeing this venture, I was teemed up with a strategist consultant but still handled most of the communication with the customer. I was responsible for the whole development from start to finish. Additionally, I assumed responsibility for guiding the annotation group, guaranteeing harmonious labeling throughout our joint enterprise

Results and achievements