Luis Blanche


This is my Data Scientist / Machine Learning Portfolio

View the Project on GitHub LuisBlanche/portfolio

Travel Carbon Footprint Dashboard


I traveled Central America for 7 months and wanted to monitor the C02 emissions of my journey.


I started consigning the trips to spreadsheet and added automation progressively. I used AppScript to make a Google Sheets function to call the google maps API to get the distance between two locations. I then used the distance to calculate the emissions using the emissions factor of the vehicle. I then used the emissions to calculate the carbon footprint of each trip. This spreadsheet is then used as the data source in a Looker Dashboard.
I also wanted to be able to enter the data through a nice form from my phone so I deployed a ODK Central server on an AWS EC2 and set up the form that could be retrieved from the phone. There is then a small python code to insert the data into the spreadsheet that is scheduled with a crontab. Also use opensource code instead of Gmaps API for the geocoding and route distance calculation



My involvment

This a personal experimentation project that I did on my own.

Results and achievements